We are a team of four Belgian students from EPFL :

  • Lukas De Loose
  • Thomas Holvoel
  • Maxime Lamborelle
  • Paolo Thiran

This project has been realized for the course of Applied Data Analysis given by professor Robert West in Fall 2019.

The data used in this analysis come from the website of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO. The data about the transport mode of food comes from the website of the european union and the data of the emissions per tons per kilometers for each transport mode are taken here.

This study is a first approach for analyzing the impact of imported and exported food on the emission and make several assumptions. First, the products are only categorized in animal and vegetal products and we do not make any further distinctions (e.g. between meet and eggs). Then it does not take into account the energy used in agriculture (e.g. the CO2 emitted by trucks working in the fields).

To conclude this project allow us to manipulate big dataset and use applied techniques to get new insights from the data. It was a great experience!